Theoretical research in astrophysics at Columbia is an active and exciting area, spanning a wide range of topics from the early universe to planetary atmospheres. Particular areas of focus include the electrodynamics of compact objects, gravitational dynamics, structure formation and cosmology, black hole formation and orbital dynamics, gravitational wave astronomy, accretion-disk physics, high-redshift star formation, reionization, planet formation, and planetary atmospheres. We stress the importance of interactions with both observational and numerical research.
Affiliated Faculty
Associated Faculty
Andrei M. Beloborodov
Professor, Physics
Research Interests
Astronomy Faculty
Greg Bryan
Professor, Astronomy; Chair, Astronomy
Research Interests
Research Scientist
Luca Comisso
Associate Research Scientist, Astrophysics Lab
Research Interests
Research Scientist
Shy Genel
Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Astrophysics Lab
Research Interests
Astronomy Faculty
Zoltan Haiman
Professor, Astronomy; Professor, Physics
Research Interests
Associated Faculty
Colin Hill
Assistant Professor, Physics
Research Interests
Associated Faculty
Lam Hui
Professor, Physics
Research Interests
Postdoctoral Researcher
Lachlan Lancaster
Postdoctoral Fellow, Astrophysics Lab
Research Interests
Postdoctoral Researcher
Itai Linial
Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Astrophysics Lab
Research Interests
Associated Faculty
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low
Adjunct Professor, Astronomy; Professor and Curator, AMNH
Research Interests
Athira Menon
Lecturer, Astronomy
Research Interests
Associated Faculty
Brian David Metzger
Professor, Physics
Research Interests
Astronomy Faculty
Lorenzo Sironi
Associate Professor, Astronomy; Director of Graduate Studies, Astronomy
Research Interests
Postdoctoral Researcher
Magdalena Siwek
Postdoctoral Fellow, Astrophysics Lab